Flag Information

Information about flags, flag protocol, patriotic holidays and more.

Flag Information

Mary Hoff And The Origin Of The Iconic POW/MIA Flag

pow/mia flag waving in the wind, with a blue/grey sky behind, the edge of an american flag peeking from the corner

  Few things have the power to bring people together as seamlessly as love, loss and true conviction for a cause. The Civil Rights movement is a great example of people coming together and fighting for freedom, However, throughout history, there has been push back for even the most basic of human rights movements.  When’s the… continue

Flag Information

Liberty or Death: The Troutman Flag

Troutman Lone Star State Flag

The Texas Revolution (1835-1836) was the inspiration for the Lone Star State’s earliest flags, including the “Liberty or Death” Troutman Flag. Flown by a company of men from Georgia who came to assist Texas with the Revolution, the flag was first unfurled in what is now Freeport, Texas, and carried to Goliad, where it was… continue

Flag Information

About the U.S. Yacht Ensign

International maritime law requires that vessels have a “national character” and that they display a flag, or ensign, that corresponds to this character, especially when in international or foreign waters. A yacht ensign is simply the national flag flown on ships and large boats to denote nationality. It is the largest flag on board, and… continue

Flag Information

History of the Rough Riders Flag

"Rough Riders" Teddy Roosevelt Flag

The regimental flag for the first volunteer cavalry in the Spanish-American War, better known as the “Rough Riders”, is a colorful flag for a colorful group of characters. Under the leadership of Colonel Leonard Wood and second in command Theodore Roosevelt, the army unit included a diverse group of rough and tumble cowboys and miners,… continue