Flag Information

Information about flags, flag protocol, patriotic holidays and more.

Flag Information

Blue Star Flags Show Support for Service Members

mothers flag

If your son or daughter is serving in the military during a time of war or open conflict, you can show your support by displaying a ‘blue star flag,’ or service star flag, in their honor. Military service star banners first appeared in 1917, when an Army captain wanted to show his pride in his… continue

Flag Information

Military Flag Order of Precedence

Correct order of precedence

Have you ever wondered where the Marine Corps flag should stand next to the service flags of the other military branches? Although Marines think we’re better than everyone else, the Marine Corps flag is not the ranking flag when all U.S. military flags are displayed (but it’s close). Here’s the order of precedence: American Flag… continue

Flag Information

Every Marine Carries the Flag

usa marine corps flags

History of the Marine Corps Flag Since the Revolutionary War, United States Marines have become very good at two things: making Marines, and winning wars. The Marine Corps has built its reputation for victory on the battlefield over nearly two and a half centuries, and in enough places around the globe to give truth to… continue

Flag Information

A Brief History of Veterans Day

Veterans Day

People rarely stop to think about the history of holidays as they celebrate them. Veterans Day may seem like a simple day that is dedicated to flying US military flags and thinking about what soldiers do for their country, but there’s much more to it than that. It’s one of the youngest federal holidays in… continue