History Lessons

History lessons is a grouping of historical stories and tidbits. The topics range from the American Civil War through interesting items from around the world. Please use the comments area to ask questions and make suggestions for future topics.

History Lessons

The History of the St. Patrick’s Day Parade

The tradition of holding a parade on St. Patrick’s Day Parade began in its most famous annual location—New York City—where Irish soldiers brought a taste of their homeland to colonial Manhattan. Hundreds of years later, parade-watchers decked in green continue to line the city’s streets every March 17th for the popular event. The world’s first… continue

Flag Information

Snakes on Flags: As American As Apple Pie

don't tread on me flag

There’s a long history of flags with snakes pictured on them, particularly in the United States, where snakes on flags were a very common sight during the era of the American Revolution. Those designs remain popular iconic flags today, due to their striking imagery and symbolism. Several flags with snakes emerged in the colonies between… continue

History Lessons

Gold Star Mother’s Day

Gold Star Service Flag

Since 1936, the last Sunday in September has been observed as Gold Star Mother’s Day. Much like Memorial Day, Gold Star Mother’s day is a day of remembrance but in this case, specifically for mothers who have lost a child serving in the United States Armed Forces. On this day we not only acknowledge the… continue

History Lessons

Small places with great flags

San Marino's flag with coat of arms.

Mighty countries have famous flags, but some of the smallest places in the world have interesting flags with unusual features. Gibraltar, San Marino and Malta are examples. GIBRALTAR Gibraltar is known for its famous rock and its position as a guardian to the entrance of the Mediterranean Sea. Owned by Great Britain, the city has… continue

History Lessons

Three people who loved the American flag

Poster for Yankee Doodle Dandy

An Academy Award-winning actor, an obscure seamstress and a dental professor shared something in common: a deep love of the American flag. The actor was James Cagney, who won an Oscar for “Yankee Doodle Dandy,” the film biography of George M. Cohan, the composer known for his patriotic songs and flag-waving Broadway plays. As a… continue