Stars 4 Our Troops Going With Our Finest to WDC

By Cheryl Rings Earlier this week we (Gettysburg Flag Works) sent out a half-staff notification to thousands of our email subscribers based on a message from a customer, a little history, a government Joint Resolution from 12 years ago, and a lot of research. The problem… there’s no official Presidential Proclamation! Here’s how the story goes;… continue
By James Breig Mariano Rivera, the storied relief pitcher for the New York Yankees, has retired after 19 years on the team. He set numerous records, appeared in several World Series and is a sure-thing for the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. To celebrate his career, the Yankees honored his achievements during a recent… continue
By James Breig Given their nature and purpose, flags can be saluted or slandered, waved or waved away, raised up or torn down from flagpoles. That duality occurred during the Civil War, when battles in places like Gettysburg, Pa., brought brother into conflict with brother, each of whom saluted a different banner. There, as on… continue
By James Breig If you had to write a letter to your spouse and child that wouldn’t be read until after you died, what would you say? In January 1912, that question was faced by Captain Robert Falcon Scott, a British explorer, when his expedition to the South Pole failed in two ways: *He was… continue