Boat Flags & Boat Flag Etiquette
Everything You Need To Know!
The United States Flag Code provides advisory rules for display and care of the American Flag, but there are also specific guidelines for flying flags on recreational boats. In fact, boat flag etiquette not only ensures that the flag is displayed respectfully, it actually helps boaters to identify one another and communicate while on open water.
Types of Boat Flags: Where to Fly Them
The five most common types of boat flags are Ensign, Burgee, Private Signal, Courtesy and Signal Flags.
National Ensign Flags

The ensign flag is the largest, most important flag on a boat because it identifies the nation of origin. The preferred U.S. national ensign flag is the traditional American Flag, however, the United States Yacht Ensign may be flown in its place, provided the boat remains in domestic waters. Similar to the Betsy Ross Flag, but with a fouled anchor in the center of the 13 stars, the yacht ensign should never be used in international or foreign waters.
National Ensign Display Guidelines
Always flown off the stern, on a staff-pole that is long and angled, the ensign may be offset to one side to allow it to fly clear of the rigging and engine exhaust. In addition, American boat flags should only be flown from 8:00 am until sunset, and when entering or leaving port during daylight or at night, weather and rig permitting. When leaving your boat in port, the flag should be taken down if you will not return before sunset.
Burgee Flags
Typically triangular or swallow-tailed in shape, the burgee flag is a small flag that signifies a skipper’s affiliation with a sailing organization or yacht club. These flags often feature distinctive designs—ranging from unique symbols and crests to specific color patterns—that reflect the history and identity of the club or organization.
Beyond their aesthetic appeal, burgees like the Don't Give Up The Ship flag, serve a practical purpose in the maritime community. They create a sense of camaraderie among members by clearly identifying a boat’s association, which can be particularly useful during regattas, social gatherings, or when navigating busy waterways.
Burgee Flags Display Guidelines

Many yacht clubs have rules about when their burgees are flown, but generally speaking, burgee flags are flown from the bow staff or under the starboard spreader. These flags are flown day and night, and follow the skipper from boat to boat.
Custom Boat Flags
Private signal flags are personal flags, sometimes referred to as house flags, which are custom designed and made specifically for the boat owner. Custom Boat Flags usually feature a personal interest, hobby, family tradition, initials or some other symbol to identify the boat owner.
Custom Boat Flag Display Guidelines
These boat flags are flown day and night, but only when the owner is in command of the boat. Custom boat flags are flown at the head of the aftermost mast, from the bow staff on mastless vessels, or on the starboard rigging below the burgee.
Courtesy Flags
To show respect, courtesy flags are flown when entering or operating a boat in foreign waters and, in some instances, when there is someone from a foreign country on the boat. Courtesy flags represent the host nation or state in whose waters you are traveling. It is a long standing tradition that communicates respect for local maritime practices and creates a positive atmosphere on the water.
Courtesy Flags Display Guidelines
In practice, courtesy flags are typically displayed alongside a vessel’s own national ensign and other personal flags, ensuring that all relevant identities are represented. They are often placed in a visible position on the boat—such as near the bow or on a dedicated flagpole—where they can be easily seen by harbor officials and other local vessels. For sailors they are flown from the starboard spreader on a sailboat, the starboard spreader of a powerboat with a mast, or the bow staff of a mastless boat.
Overall, the use of courtesy flags not only adheres to international maritime etiquette but also strengthens the bonds between different seafaring communities by celebrating diversity and mutual respect on the global stage.
Signal Flags
Signal Flags are a critical component of international maritime communication, primarily related to safety and navigation. This standardized system assigns a specific flag to each letter and numeral, enabling ships to convey precise messages and instructions through various combinations of these flags.
You can choose an individual signal flag corresponds to a number or letter of the alphabet, and when displayed by itself or with other letters and numbers, the flags relay important messages and information to other vessels. Although radio transmissions have largely replaced the use of signal flags, they are still required on commercial vessels and in foreign ports of call.
Historically, signal flags played a role in shipping, providing a reliable method of communication over long distances before the advent of modern radio technology. Even though electronic communications have largely taken over, signal flags remain a vital backup tool, especially on commercial vessels and in foreign ports where they are still required by maritime regulations. Their continued use ensures that vessels can maintain clear communication even in situations where radio transmissions fail or are impractical.
Signal Flags are a critical component of international maritime communication, forming an integral part of the International Code of Signals.
Signal Flags Display Guidelines
There is a specified order to display the flags if you have a full dress kit, and some ideas around proper sizing that you ca read all about on our product pages for single signal flags or the entire set!.
Other Boat Flags
Fishing boats often fly flags denoting their catch. Known as Fishing Flags, these boat flags can feature marlin, sailfish, tuna, albacore, tarpon, wahoo, striped bass, bluefish, shark, mako shark, king mackerel, swordfish and more. They are mostly flown from the port outrigger or spreader, and are flown upside down if the catch is released.
Gettysburg Flag Works also carries a variety of Nautical & Marine Ensigns, as well as Jolly Roger Pirate Flags, and several fun and humorous boat flags, including Mother-in-Law On Board, Baby on Board, Wife On Board and Husband on Board.
How to Order Your Own Boat Flag
When ordering an ensign, or American Boat Flag, we recommend a flag that measures one inch for each foot of boat length. For smaller vessels, a 12x18” flag is usually suffice, while larger boats may opt for the 2x3’ flag. Burgee and personal Custom Boat Flags are generally smaller than the ensign, but can measure up to half an inch for each foot above water of the tallest mast.
Need help ordering a flag for your boat? The flag experts at Gettysburg are happy to help. Give us a call at 1-888-697-3524 or contact us online.