A Guide to U.S. Government Resources

The following resources make it easier for anyone to understand the branches of the federal government.
Executive Branch
The White House website has information from the President of the United States including details about the administration and what is on the agenda for his upcoming term.
This site has all of the departments, boards, commissions, committees, and agencies of the executive branch. Congress for Kids has a section about the executive branch for children. This site breaks down the job of the president as well as his cabinet in a way children can easily understand.
This Nation has a number of documents pertaining to the executive branch.
Legislative Branch
The website for the United States Senate gives visitors a look at the history of the Senate as well as information on current members, upcoming legislation, and reference materials.
The website for the House of Representatives has links to the various members of the House, information about issues that are currently being considered, and a number of other useful resources.
This site provides links to all agencies and offices associated with the legislative branch.
This site explains the purpose and function of the legislative branch.
Judicial Branch
The official Supreme Court website has information about the court, court rules, and upcoming cases on the docket, as well as a number of other resources.
This site offers a comprehensive look at the purpose and function of the judicial branch.
This site provides links to all of the courts and offices associated with the judicial branch.
The Congress for Kids website explains the judicial branch for children.
Independent Agencies
The Central Intelligence Agency website discusses the purpose of the CIA and also provides information on current topics. There is a section designed to answer children's questions and one that provides information on joining the agency.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, or NASA, is an independent agency that is responsible for spaceflight and aviation.
The United States Postal Service website provides visitors with a number of services and detailed information on this agency.