In Ground Flagpole Holders: Ground Sleeves, Flash Collars & Lawn and Curb Sockets

Flagpole Ground Mounts
Gettysburg Flag Works offers many flagpole ground mount sleeve options, ranging from a permanent sleeve that can be cemented into the earth, to a temporary or semi-permanent lawn or curbside flag pole sleeve. No matter what type of flagpole or display you are looking for, we have a wide range of options to meet your needs. And, if you're not sure which option is right for you, our flag experts would be happy to help point you in the right direction!
Lawn and Curb Sockets
For temporary applications in a sand setting, we offer a screw down sand flag pole sleeve that will work in sand or sandy soil. For standard lawn installation we offer a cast aluminum spike or a pvc sleeve that can be installed as needed. The nice part about the PVC sleeve is that it can be put into the ground, made flush and you can leave it there indefinitely.
Most temporary advertising flags are installed using ground mounts such as lawn and curb sockets with our fiberglass telescoping poles. This sort of ground mount flagpole can accommodate standard flags, feather flags or wind dancers. It's an easy way to change up your curbside advertising without changing you hardware needs each time.
Ground Sleeves and Ground Spikes
In addition to our lawn and curb sockets, Gettysburg Flag Works also offers ground spikes that work with our wave banner and feather flag hardware. We also carry a wide variety of in-ground flagpole sleeves. These include both corrugated steel sleeves with a lightning spikes, PVC style and fiberglass style sleeves.
For installing ground mounts for flagpoles, we recommend using a dowel or pipe and a hammer. Get the point of your lawn socket in the right place, insert a short dowel into it, and hit the top of the dowel to drive the ground mount into the dirt. Pounding on the metal lawn socket will create sharp edges which can shorten the life of your new flagpole. Check out this ground mount installation video for more information.
Flagpole Flash Collars
If you're looking to cover the base of your flagpole at the foundation, a flagpole flash collar is what you need. These provide a nice finishing touch at the bottom of a flagpole. Be sure to select one when you are installing your flagpole, as these are tough to add if your flagpole is already in place. If you're looking to retrofit, choose a split style flash collar.
Other Options for Installing Temporary Flagpoles
Customers interested in lawn and socket sleeves are often also interested in temporary flagpoles, including our Superflex telescoping flagpole and our Tailgater fiberglass flagpole.
Looking for a more permanent flagpole installation? Be sure to check out our in ground residential flagpole options, including our Easy-Order Flagpoles. These are a terrific option for those looking to set up an impressive flag display that's durable, wind rated, and cost-effective!
Not quite sure which flagpole option is right for you? Don't hesitate to reach out to us! We'd be happy to discuss your specific scenario and help you determine which flagpole or flagpole ground sleeve, socket or spike will work best for you. Give us a call at 1-888-697-3524 or contact us online and we can point you in the right direction.